ECMAScript 2019 (ES2019 or ES10) New Features -JavaScript

Gourav Mukhija
5 min readFeb 21, 2020

In June 2019, the TC39 committee published another set of changes to the ECMAScript standard, appropriately called ECMAScript 2019 (or ES2019). These changes are listed as


The ES2019 release has added two new methods to Arrays

1) .flat()
2) .flatMap()


This method is used to “flattens” an Array.

Syntax: <Array>.flat(depth); //default depth is 1



This method is same as first calling .map() and then flattening the result using flat() method.

Syntax: <Array>.flatMap(func);

Note: It is same as <Array>.map(func).flat(1);



ES2019 introduced new static method Object.fromEntries which perform reverse of Object.entries.

It accepts list of key-value pairs and returns a new object whose own keys and corresponding values are given by those pairs.



JavaScript already supports removing all whitespace from both ends of a string using .trim() method but ES2019 comes with two more method ‘trimStart & ‘trimEndwhich are used only to trim either at start or end of a string.



This is new ESCAScript update to primitive data type Symbol.

Earlier way to access the description was by converting the symbol to a string.


const sym = Symbol(‘The description’);
assert.equal(String(sym), ‘Symbol(The description)’);

But ES2019 update introduces the getter Symbol.prototype.descriptionto access the description directly. E.g.

assert.equal(sym.description, 'The description');

You can explore more about this update on TC39 Official proposal here .

Optional catch binding

This update allow developers to use try/catch without creating an unused binding.

You are free to go ahead make use of catch block without a param.

Stable Array.prototype.sort()

Array.prototype.sort() method used a unstable quicksort algorithm, when sorting arrays with more than 10 elements. To ensure that the array is aligned correctly, ECMAScript 2019 uses the Timsort (hybrid sorting derived from merge sort and insertion sort) algorithm for the Array.prototype.sort().

This specification currently works well with all JavaScript engines. However, Microsoft Edge with ChakraCore generates a sort error with array containing 512+ elements.

The below screenshot illustrates the stability test results on Edge and Firefox. As you can see Edge is failing.

More detailed discussion here: “Array#sort stability”.

Changes that are mostly internal

Well-formed JSON.stringify

According to the RFC 8259 for JSON, if you exchange JSON “in public”, you must encode it as UTF-8.

That can be a problem if you use JSON.stringify(), because it may return sequences of UTF-16 code units that can’t be encoded as UTF-8 (e.g. characters in the range 0xD800 to 0xDFFFF, which are classified as ‘surrogate’)

The ECMAScript 2019, returns an escape sequence instead of returning an invalid Unicode string, as shown(Edge) in the following illustration.

For more details checkout TC39 official proposal documentation.

JSON superset

JSON (as standardised via ECMA-404) is not a subset of ECMAScript. It means ECMAScript string literals and JSON string literals are two different entities.

ECMAScript string literals couldn’t contain the characters U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR and U+2029 PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR. For example

ECMAScript string literals

const sourceCode = '"\u2028"';
eval(sourceCode); // SyntaxError

JSON string literals

const json = '"\u2028"';
JSON.parse(json); // OK

ECMAScript 2019 remove the restriction for ECMAScript string literals because you don’t need separate rules for ECMAScript string literals and JSON string literals.

Function.prototype.toString revision

ECMAScript 2019 brings two major improvements compared to ES2018:

  • Whenever possible — source code: If a function was created via ECMAScript source code, toString() must return that source code. In ES2016, whether to do so is left up to engines.
  • Otherwise — standardised placeholder: In ES2016, if toString() could not (or would not) create syntactically valid ECMAScript code, it had to return a string for which eval() throws a SyntaxError. In other words, eval() must not be able to parse the string. This requirement was forward-incompatible — whatever string you come up with, you can never be completely sure that a future version of ECMAScript doesn’t make it syntactically valid. In contrast, the proposal standardises a placeholder: a function whose body is { [native code] }. Details are explained in the next section.


Function.prototype.toString() now returns exact slices of source code text, including whitespace and comments. Here’s an example comparing the old and the new behaviour:

Checkout more details from: TC39 proposal

Before you say goodbye…

Thank you so much for taking your precious time to read this post.

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Previous post:
ECMAScript ES7 & ES8 New Features -JavaScript
ECMAScript 2018 (ES2018 or ES9) New Features -JavaScript

Stay tuned for ES11(ES2020) update…..



Gourav Mukhija

Nature lover, Full Stack Web developer and creator of IG: traveler_india